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Wolves ate muscles, lungs, kidney, liver, hair, etc., except stomach contents


Thousands of

Years Ago

From Raw to Kibble Timeline

European Royalty fed their dogs huge stews like grains and vegetables with meat or meat by-products (heart, liver, and lungs). Some feed roast ducks, cakes, candies, or liquor.

Middle Ages

(Common Household)

Common households feed crusts of bread, bare bones, potatoes, cabbage, or anything they can scavenge.

Middle Ages


~ 1964

First TV advertisement for dog food.

James Spratt, an electrician, was inspired by the easy-to-eat ship biscuits sailors ate. His first recipe was wheat, beet root, and vegetables bound with beef blood.

The Pet Food Institute becan a compaign to get people to STOP feeding their dogs anything but packaged food. They had a radio spot about the dangers of table scraps.

People had a hard time finding table scraps for dogs; therefore, dogs were fed dry food and biscuits. After the war, people stuck to that.

Currently, it's a billion dollar industry. With their growth came the rise of sick and unhealthy dogs. People started to questioning: is it Kibble or Krapple?

Year 1850


Early 1950s


Now you know the history...

It's time to know about Krapple Today.

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